Every year the Cincinnati Cycling Club took part in the Reds Opening Day Parade. I always wanted to be in the parade and for the past several years tried to be in it. Riding with the Cycling Club was not a problem. The major factor was the weather, it was either too cold or raining. This year was different, the weather was forecasted to be in the 60's and partly sunny.
Logging in to the Cincinnati Cycling Club's forum site, I posted a question on who is the contact person for the Opening Day group. I soon got a reply that it was Jim Coppock and the rest was history.
The weapon of choice was my Catrike Speed hauling my two kids in a Trek GoBug trailer. It was sure to be a hit at the parade.
One of the group cyclist, showing his foldable bike.
2010 Reds Opening Day Parade from glenn m on Vimeo.
We had a blast at the event! I saw two coworkers, one high school classmate and one acquintance. After the parade allot more people informed me that they saw me. If the weather repeats it's self for next year I'm sure my kids and I will do this again.