Monday, August 31, 2009

Commemorating 53rd birthday

Last Sunday evening I met a fellow cyclist on my way back to my truck. Since I ride a recumbent, it initiates people strike up a conversation with me.

Asking me where I was going and I told him, "Back to Newtown.", which was the same place he was also going. He was riding a Litespeed road bike. Well versed cyclists would know that this type of bike is not cheap. Titanium frame and high end components would put this bike past the $2,000 mark new. Just the frame alone on some models would cost around $5,000.

Back to the cyclist. I learned that he was completing his 110 mile ride (Newtown, Ohio to Oregana, Ohio). This was basically a recovery ride for him. His previous ride on Saturday was his 190 mile ride on the Little Miami Bike Trail. That ride was to commemorate his 53rd birthday.

He was also impressed by my cycling lights, since the sun was setting and we had 20 minutes left to go on our ride.

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