Sunday, July 20, 2008

Newtown to Morrow

Last Saturday was my second time riding a very long bike ride. My route took me from the very southern tip of the Little Miami Bike trail (Newtown, OH) to Morrow, OH. It was roughly a 53 mile round trip.

I start the ride by getting up early before dawn (5 AM). Purchased a breakfast meal at McDonalds along the way and arrived at the trail before 6 AM. Just at dawn I set out on my long ride. Riding in the morning hours keeps me from the heat and humidity of the day. By the time I get back it's still a couple of hours before noon. Also, there are not allot of cars on the road where the trail intersects, plus it's not congested with other people.

The first time I rode the long route, it took me about 3 hours and 20 minutes riding time and doing 12 to 19 mph. After the ride my body was spent, legs were aching and lungs exhausted. It took me the rest of the day just to recover.

The second time on the trail I faired better. On the way up to Morrow I felt quite sluggish, only doing 15 to 19 mph. I had to make up some time on the way back if I wanted to do better from my last ride. Luckily, there were a couple of cyclists that were going south. Middle age gentlemen, but fit enough to go fast. I drafted behind them as they did an average speed of 21 mph. Surprisingly, riding in a group somehow gives a person a mental boost into going faster. I didn't feel sluggish at all compared to my ride up. It also helps to be drafting behind someone.

We kept up the pace of 21 mph for about 10 miles until Fosters Road. One stopped to rest while the other split to go on the road. I continued my ride south to my truck, doing only about 18 mph. I wished those guys would have gone a bit more further south, but I was glad of the company while it lasted.

Reaching my truck I was about 5 minutes less from my last ride (3 hrs, 15 min). I would have gotten a shorter time had I kept the pace faster on the way up. The good thing was that I didn't feel exhausted. I had enough energy left to cut the lawn for an hour once I got back home.

Weather permitting, I plan on making this a regular regiment on my cycling schedule. Long rides are good for one's body. Maybe not the first one, but the one's after definitely are.

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